Sussex Block Management Ltd

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Dry January - are you taking part?!

Happy New Year 2022!

Dry January was established in 2013 by UK Charity, Alcohol Concern. Millions of people take part in the month long challenge, are you one of them?

We are not big drinkers here at Sussex Block Management so in all honesty this has never been something we have taken part in, however, relentless lockdowns has got pretty much everyone to pick up a glass more often it seems! After all the over indulging over the Christmas and new year period, this is always a good place to kick start the health and fitness regimes with some good intentions and who doesn’t love a challenge! Are you a regular dry January-er? Do you join forces with friends and family or just for yourself? What do you get out of a month off of alcohol? Let me know in the comments.

Genuinely, I feel that consistency is key so throughout the year, I try to move the same, eat the same (let’s not discuss the ridiculous amount of celebration tubs) so I don’t have to put my body into shock! January can be difficult enough for people getting back into the swing of work, kids, that long wait for payday which seems 27 years ago.. sooo, even though I more than likely won’t be drinking much, it’s doubtful the bottles we have been given for Christmas will go untouched.

What are your goals for January and 2022? What do you hope to achieve? Some of us have big goals and plans and others (rightly so) just want a less stressful year like the ones we have experienced for the past 2. I hope to have less puppy related injuries, to practice more mindfulness , meditation and journalling, and continue to grow the business. I hope all small businesses are able to grow this year without the negative effect of lockdowns and covid that has severely impacted small or young start ups.

So whatever your goals and plans may be for this year, we hope you have laughter, good health and success (with or without a glass of wine in hand..!)